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This page is a high level overview of C++ operators and other symbols and what they do.
- ✅ - Fully overloadable
- ☑️ - Overloadable with constraints
- ⚠️ - Overloadable but not recommended
- ❌ - Not overloadable
Operator | Example | Description | Overloadable |
+ | +expr | Arithmetic posigation | ✅ |
+ | expr + expr | Arithmetic addition | ✅ |
++ | ++expr | Prefix increment | ✅ |
++ | expr++ | Postfix increment | ✅ |
+= | var += expr | Arithmetic addition and assignment | ✅ |
- | -expr | Arithmetic negation | ✅ |
- | expr - expr | Arithmetic subtraction | ✅ |
-- | --expr | Prefix decrement | ✅ |
-- | expr-- | Postfix decrement | ✅ |
-= | var -= expr | Arithmetic subtraction and assignment | ✅ |
* | *expr | Pointer dereference | ☑️ |
* | expr * expr | Arithmetic multiplication | ✅ |
*= | var *= expr | Arithmetic multiplication and assignment | ✅ |
/ | expr / expr | Arithmetic division | ✅ |
/= | var /= expr | Arithmetic division and assignment | ✅ |
% | expr % expr | Arithmetic remainder | ✅ |
%= | var %= expr | Arithmetic remainder and assignment | ✅ |
~ | ~expr | Bitwise Complement | ✅ |
& | &expr | Address of | ✅ |
& | type ident& , type ident const& | Reference type | ❌ |
& | expr & expr | Bitwise AND | ✅ |
&= | var &= expr | Bitwise AND and assignment | ✅ |
&& | expr && expr | Logical AND | ☑️ |
| | expr | expr | Bitwise OR | ✅ |
|= | var |= expr | Bitwise OR and assignment | ✅ |
|| | expr || expr | Logical OR | ☑️ |
^ | expr ^ expr | Bitwise XOR | ✅ |
^= | var ^= expr | Bitwise XOR and assignment | ✅ |
<< | expr << expr | Bitwise left shift | ✅ |
<<= | var <<= expr | Bitwise left shift and assignment | ✅ |
>> | expr >> expr | Bitwise right shift | ✅ |
>>= | var >>= expr | Bitwise right shift and assignment | ✅ |
! | !expr | Logical NOT | ✅ |
== | expr == expr | Equality comparison | ✅ |
!= | expr != expr | Inequality comparison | ✅ |
< | expr < expr | Less than | ✅ |
<= | expr <= expr | Less than or equal | ✅ |
> | expr > expr | Greater than | ✅ |
>= | expr >= expr | Greater than or equal | ✅ |
<=> | expr <=> expr | Three way comparison | ✅ |
[] | expr[expr, expr, ..] | Subscript / array indexing (multi-argument since C++23) | ✅ |
() | expr(expr, expr, ..) | Function object invocation | ✅ |
, | expr, expr | Comma sequencing | ⚠️ |
= | var = expr , ident = expr | Assignment / Binding | ☑️ |
?: | expr ? expr : expr | Ternary expression | ❌ |
:: | ident::ident, ident::var | Namespace lookup | ❌ |
... | typename types... , type T... , T... args | Parameter type and value packs | ❌ |
. | expr.ident | Member access | ❌ |
.* | expr.*ident | Member access to pointer members | ❌ |
-> | expr->ident | Member access through a pointer | ☑️ |
->* | expr->*ident | Member access through a pointer to pointer members | ☑️ |
"" | literal_suffix-ident | User defined literal | ☑️ |
Operator | Example | Description |
new | new type (init-list) | Allocate a heap memory object constructed with parameters in init-list |
new [] | new type[size] {init-list} | Allocate a heap memory block initialized with elements in init-list |
delete | delete expr | Delete heap memory object |
delete [] | delete [] expr | Deletes heap memory block |
Operator | Example | Description |
static_cast | static_cast<T>(expr) | Casts expr to type T |
dynamic_cast | dynamic_cast<T>(expr) | Casts pointers and references to classes up, down and sideways through inheritance hierarchy |
reinterpret_cast | reinterpret_cast<T>(expr) | Casts expr to type T by reinterpreting underlying bits of expr |
const_cast | const_cast<T>(expr) | Can cast to or away const when type of expr and T are similar types |
C-cast | (type)expr | Legacy type cast from C, uses a combination of above casts |
Operator | Example | Description |
sizeof | sizeof(expr) , sizeof(type) | Obtains the size in bytes of a type or expression |
sizeof... | sizeof...(pack-expr) , sizeof(pack-type) | Obtains the number of elements of a parameter pack |
typeid | typeid(expr) , typeid(type) | Obtains compiler representation of a type |
noexcept | noexcept(expr) | Checks if an expression will throw an exception |
alignof | alignof(typeid) | Obtains the alignment required by a type |