What is Ownership?


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Ownership is the notion that some data is managed or owned by a particular variable and thus is responsible for ensuring that it's data lives long enough for all parts of the program that reference the data can correctly access the data.

We first had a look at lifetimes in Common Concepts - Variables and Mutability when discussing storage duration of data but we are now going to discuss how this comes into effect in our programs.

The Stack and the Heap

You'll hear a lot about the stack and the heap when discussing C++ but what are they?

These are two regions of memory that your program can access during its execution. The stack is a fixed sized region that is utilised automatically by your program. When variables are created, the data is pushed onto the top of the stack and the stack pointer is incremented by the size in bytes of this newly pushed variable. When that variable is no longer referenceable ie. it goes out of scope, the value is popped off the stack thus deleted the data. Data with automatic storage duration live on the stack and it is where all variables we have shown in the previous examples have been allocated to.

Function calls also interact with the stack in an interesting way. When a function is called the stack creates a new stack frame which encapsulates all the data created during the function call, as well as information about parameters and how to get back to the function's call site ie. parameter data and return address storage. This is done so that when a function does return, the entire stack frame can be popped off, deallocating all data created during the functions execution.

All in all, the stack is super fast and automatic allocates and deallocates memory for us thus allowing the lifetime of variables to be computed by the compiler, not us! So why don't we always use the stack? We can't because the stack is a fixed size and cannot grow beyond its original capacity which usually isn't very large because our OS wants to allow lots of programs to be able to run at once.

This is where the heap comes in. The heap is slow but dynamic memory that our program requests at runtime. This allows us to create variable sized memory regions that we can grow and shrink as need be however, this comes at the cost of having to manually return this memory back to the OS otherwise it is leaked! This means we have to track the lifetime of the data we create and ensure it is freed correctly. Data of this kind is categories as having dynamic storage duration.


Scopes define what set of symbols and objects are valid to reference in our program. We've encounter quite a few different uses of scope in our travels this far. The obvious one being functions. Functions create an entirely new scope that isn't just semantic (ie. only enforced by the compiler for correctness sake) but have an effect on the execution of a program. When a function is called it allocates a new stack frame meaning the lifetime of all data creating in that function is bound to that function's lifetime.

We also can see scope with conditional statements like for and range-for loops as the initializer and iterator for each statement type respectively is only bound to the scope of the statement body. In fact, you can introduce an unnamed scope using a brace block.

    auto const x = 5;

    // do stuck with x
// x out of scope

So how do we share data? In C++, variables have copy semantics and what this means is that the data of an object is copied when we bind a new variable to an existing variable. We can see this in the play below with y being assigned the value of x not x itself and thus the address of each object is unique.

#include <iostream>
// --snip--

auto main() -> {
    auto const x = 5;
    auto const y = x;

    std::cout << &x << "\n";
    std::cout << &y << "\n";
    return 0;
// --snip--


Notice the addresses of x and y are only 4 bytes apart, this is because they are right next to each other on the stack as we discussed above.

The std::string Type

So what happens when data on the heap goes out of scope? To demonstrate what happens we need to introduce the std::string type. string is more complex than the type introduced in Common Concepts - Data Types as it allocates its data on the heap and can change its size during runtime, as opposed to string literals which are encoded directly into the compiled binary. We even saw string in our guessing game!


String literials are declared using a pair of double quotes ("") to surround the text and is of the type of a pointer to the first character (const char*).

So how can we ensure that the memory allocated on the heap is automatically freed when the variable goes out of scope? Some languages use a Garbage Collector (GC) to clean up memory that hasn't been used recently. In C++ we do not have a GC so it is our responsiblility to identify when memory is no longer needed or is it? C++ uses a concept known as Resource Acquisition Is Initialization or RAII. In essence it is the idiom of binding the lifetime of a resource; like memory, to the variable or object that own it and thus allowing for the resource to be freed when the owning variable goes out of scope. This is how string; and any other standard library containers, works.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// --snip--

auto main() -> {
        auto const s = std::string {"hello"};

        // s is in scope
    // s out of scope and data freed

    return 0;
// --snip--