Project: Guessing Game


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Let us jump straight into C++ by developing a project together! This will help expose you to some common concepts from C++ and how they are used in an actual program. You'll learn how create variables, control the flow of your program, take in user input, create functions and more! These concepts will be explored in more detail in future chapters while this one will focus on the fundamentals.

We'll be implementing a simple number guessing game. The program will generate a random integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive). It will then prompt the user to type in a guess. After the guess is entered the program will indicate whether the guess was too high or to low or a congratulatory message if the user got it right and exit the program.

Setting Up a New Project

To begin, create a new directory in your projects/ directory called guessing_game and enter it.

$ mkdir guessing_game
$ cd guessing_game

As usual, we'll need to create the files main.cxx, CMakeLists.txt and CMakePresets.json. Our main.cxx file can just be an empty main() function like Listing 2-1 and for our CMakeLists.txt file we must specify a minimum project configuration detailed in Listing2-2. As for our CMakePresets.json file, we can use the either one from Chapter 1; Listing 1-3 or Listing 1-4.

Listing 2-1: Empty main() function in main.cxx.

auto main() -> int {
    return 0;

Listing 2-2: Simple 'CMakeLists.txt' for guessing game executable.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

    VERSION 0.1.0
    DESCRIPTION "Number Guessing Game"

add_executable(guessing_game main.cxx)
target_compile_features(guessing_game PRIVATE cxx_std_20)

Processing a Guess

First we will need to we need to ask the user for input, process that input and ensure it is in a form we expected. To start we'll simply take in the users guess and return it to them. Listing2-3 shows the starting code.

Listing 2-3: Code for obtaining an input from the user and printing it.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    std::cout << "Please input your guess (1..100): ";

    auto guess = std::string {};

    std::getline(std::cin, guess);

    std::cout << "You guessed: " << guess << std::endl;

    return 0;

Let's briefly go over the new concepts introduced in Listing 2-3. We have included a new header <string> which contains the definitions the type std::string and supported functions.

#include <string>

We then prompt the user with the name of the game as well as request input from the user using the output stream std::cout, which we covered in Chapter 1.

    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    std::cout << "Please input your guess (1..100): ";

Storing Data with Variables

Next, we construct a new variable to store the users input in.

    auto guess = std::string {};

Now this is where things begin to get interesting. This line is an assignment expression which is used to bind a value to a variable. Here is another!

auto boxes = 7;


Note the lack of a type after the =. This is because we can initialize boxes with a integer literal and thus a type is not needed.

In C++ variables are mutable by default which means we are allowed to change it's value. This concept will be discussed more in Chapter 3 | Variables and Mutability. To make a variable constant ie. its value cannot change once it is set, we use the const keyword after/before auto (I choose after).

auto const boxes = 7;  // constant
auto crates = 4;  // mutable


The // syntax indicates a comment that continues until the end of the line. Everything in a comment is ignored by C++. You will learn more about them in Chapter 3 | Comments.

In this case of our variable guess in our guessing game program, we have (default) constructed a temporary value with the type std::string which we then bind to the variable named guess using the = operator. We have also used auto to allow the compiler to deduce the type that the variable guess should have. We could have written explicitly the type on the left-hand-side instead of auto like the example below but this would be more verbose as we have to express the type twice. It also means that if we change the type on the RHS we must also change it on the LHS but with auto the compiler will do that for us!

    std::string input = std::string {}; 


When constructing our std::string we have used what is known as brace. This is a safer variant of regular construction (which uses parenthesis ()) as it prevents narrowing which causes the bit representation of some types to be truncated. We also have default constructed our std::string which in this case means the std::string is constructed as an empty string not as an invalid object.

Receiving User Input

There are a few different ways for handling user input from the terminal in C++. For this program we have used the std::getline().

    std::getline(std::cin, input);

This function extracts all characters from the first argument which is of type std::basic_istream<>. In this case, the input stream is std::cin. Once no characters remain in the stream or the designated deliminator is encountered; which defaults to '\n' (third argument), the extracted characters are then written to the second argument which is a reference to a string of the same underlying character type. References allow functions to read and/or modify data passed to them and have the effects reflected on the callers side. We'll cover references and ownership in C++ during Chapter 4. In effect this function reads an entire line and copies the characters into a string.

Printing with Output Streams

As we first saw in "Hello, world!" we can output text using std::cout global object using the operator <<. You may be wondering why the "unique" syntax for out has been chosen for printing? This is because the Input/Output library is more generic than just a printing facility. As the name suggests it is a library for manipulating and using Input/Output (IO) streams. Streams can be thought of as a pipeline between two endpoints eg. a program and the terminal screen where data can be pushed from one end (the program) and extracted at the other end (the terminal screen). The C++ IO library uses streams to model how data is transferred between various endpoints like a program, the terminal screen, files etc. with the << and >> operators being used to perform formatted IO ie. push formatted data to and/or extract formatted data from a stream respectively. These facilities were then used to wrap low level IO handles such as stdin, stdout and stderr; which are used to print and take user input, in global stream objects eg. std::cin, std::cout and std::cerr which meant they could be manipulated using the same API and functionality provided by the standard C++ IO library.


The C++23 Standard includes a new header <print> with functions like std::println() which use the C++20 formatting library which make printing much more intuitive and faster. This library was directly inspired by the {fmt} library.

If you are familiar with other languages you may be wondering why << is used to push to a streams as this operator is normally used for the left bit shifting operations. We are able to use the << operator because it has been overloaded. Essentially this means the functionality of << has been changed and customized for particular types. Within the C++ standard library, << has been overloaded to support taking a reference to a std::basic_ostream<> object as the left argument; ie. the type of std::cout, and various builtin C++ types and library types from the standard library as the right argument eg. int and std::string, which allows the << syntax to be used with many different types already in C++. Overloading will be covered in more detail in Chapter 3 | Functions.

In this program we have seen that we can chain the calls to <<.

    std::cout << "You guessed: " << input << std::endl;

This is because each call to << returns a reference to the same stream passed as the left argument, allowing you to make subsequent calls to << one after another. This can make it easier to build up pipelines to and from streams as we can create arbitrarily long chains.

Finally, you may notice the std::endl at the end of the chain. This is a stream manipulator. Stream manipulators are used to modify the stream to support different kinds of formatting. In this case, std::endl simply appends a '\n' to the stream and flushes the underlying buffer. So why not just use '\n'? Well, you should. Using std::endl repeatedly just to add newlines will dramatically degrade performance because repeatedly flushing the internal buffer forces the OS the immediately display the characters instead of allowing for the output to buffer ie. reach a large enough size to warrant making a system call. std::endl should only be used when you want to flush the streams buffer and place a newline eg. at the end of a program, otherwise use an explicit '\n'.

Generating a Secret Number

Now we want some way to generate a secret number that the player will try to guess. We also want the number to be different each time so the game is more fun but we'll keep it between 1 and 100 to ensure it is not too difficult. To generate our secret number we'll use a random number generator. The C++ standard library contains a header <random> which contains a bunch of facilities for generating random numbers. Update your main.cxx file according to Listing 2-4.

Listing 2-4: Added code to generate a random number.

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    auto rd = std::random_device {};
    auto gen = std::mt19937 { rd() };
    auto distrib = std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> { 1u, 100u };

    auto const secret_number = distrib(gen);

    std::cout << "The secret number is: " << secret_number << '\n';

    std::cout << "Please input your guess: ";

    auto input = std::string {};

    std::getline(std::cin, input);

    std::cout << "You guessed: " << input << std::endl;

    return 0;

First we include the new header <random> so we can access the (pseudo-) random number generation types. Next we add the lines

    auto rd = std::random_device {};
    auto gen = std::mt19937 { rd() };
    auto distrib = std::uniform_int_distribution { 1, 100 };

The first line (default) constructs a new std::random_device. This is a uniformly distributed, non-deterministic number generator. While we could generate a random number from simply calling rd, this is considered bad practice as std::random_device performance degrades with use due to its entropy pool being used up. For this reason we simply use it to seed a proper Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) such as std::mt19937 which is what we do on the second line. Finally we construct a std::uniform_int_distribution<> which is used to uniformly generate integers between the two provided bounds.

This sets up our random number generator. To obtain a random number we can call the distribution object, passing in the generator and returning a new random value.

    auto const secret_number = distrib(gen);

Comparing the Guess to the Secret Number

Next we want to compare our players guess to the secret number. The updated code can be seen in Listing 2-5.

Listing 2-5: Added code to compare players input to the secret number.

#include <compare>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    auto rd = std::random_device {};
    auto gen = std::mt19937 { rd() };
    auto distrib = std::uniform_int_distribution { 1, 100 };

    auto const secret_number = distrib(gen);

    std::cout << "The secret number is: " << secret_number << '\n';

    std::cout << "Please input your guess: ";

    auto input = std::string {};

    std::getline(std::cin, input);

    auto guess = std::stoi(input);

    if (auto const cmp = guess <=> secret_number; std::is_eq(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "You guessed correctly!\n";
    } else if (std::is_lt(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "Too small!\n";
    } else if (std::is_gt(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "Too big!\n";

    return 0;

Before we are able to compare the players input to our secret number we must first convert the raw input into a number so they can be compared.

    auto guess = std::stoi(input);

C++ offers a few functions for converting strings into numbers which all start with the prefix std::sto* meaning 'string-to' followed by a designator for the conversion type. Because we want to parse our input as a plain int we can use std::stoi().

Next we compare the guess to our secret_number. Here we can make use of the spaceship operator (<=>) which allows us to perform a '3 way comparison' which we can then query with the utility functions std::is_eq, std::is_lt, std::is_gt etc.. In this case we create a new object cmp and then use these 'named comparison' functions to check the result. We use if and else if branches to test the comparisons result and run a separate piece of code if that branch succeeds.

    if (auto const cmp = guess <=> secret_number; std::is_eq(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "You guessed correctly!\n";
    } else if (std::is_lt(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "Too small!\n";
    } else if (std::is_gt(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "Too big!\n";

We have also used a initialiser statement in the first if branch. This allows us to run an expression at the start of the if branches and store the result in a local variable (in this case cmp) which can only be accessed within the if branches. This helps ensure that cmp is not modified or accessed outside the if branches it belongs to.

Handling Parsing Errors with Exceptions

Our game is coming along quite nicely but it has one fundamental flaw. What happens if we give our game the input "abcd34" or "38574876546456476745"? We get the following two errors and our game crashes!

# input: "abcd34"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
  what():  stoi
[1]    27989 IOT instruction  ./build/.../guessing_game

# input: "38574876546456476745"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  stoi
[1]    1513 IOT instruction  ./build/.../guessing_game

This is not ideal as it gives no way for the system to recover from the error and let the user try again. How do we fix this? Well notice in the error message it states that an instance of (either) std::invalid_argument (or) std::out_of_range was thrown. What are these objects? These are known as exceptions. They are a special object used to indicate that an exceptional event has occurred. These are pathways in our program that we do not expect to occur but might and exceptions allow us to recover the system without fully crashing. This is a useful mechanism for allowing systems to remain online and perform self recovery if an error does occur.

Before we look at how to handle thrown exceptions we'll first discuss what each of these exceptions mean in the context of std::stoi(). std::invalid_argument is used to indicate that a general parsing error has occurred due to a bad input ie. prefixing the input with letters eg. "abcd34". The exception std::out_of_range is used to indicate that the input value cannot fit into the conversion type. For example if "38574876546456476745" is passed to std::stoi() we have this exception thrown because the max value that can be fit inside an int is 2147483647 which is much smaller than 38574876546456476745.


The std::sto* function family will 'successfully' parse inputs like "34abc" as they extract the number from the front and will discard the rest.

Catching Exceptions

So how do we handle an exception that has been thrown? We can use a try-catch block. When there is a chance for something to fail we place the potentially failing code in a try block. After a try block we put one or more catch blocks. These are used to define the exception handling pathway for that particular exception. For our simple program we can define a try-catch block like in Listing 2-6.

Listing 2-6: Added exception error handling for std::stoi call.

#include <compare>
// --snip--
#include <exception>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>
// --snip--

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    auto rd = std::random_device {};
    auto gen = std::mt19937 { rd() };
    auto distrib = std::uniform_int_distribution { 1, 100 };

    auto const secret_number = distrib(gen);

    std::cout << "The secret number is: " << secret_number << '\n';

    std::cout << "Please input your guess: ";

    auto input = std::string {};

    std::getline(std::cin, input);

    // --snip--

    auto guess = int {};

    try {
        guess = std::stoi(input);
    } catch (std::invalid_argument const&) {
        std::cout << "Invalid input " << std::quoted(input) << "!\n";
    } catch (std::out_of_range const&) {
        std::cout << "Input " << std::quoted(input) << " is too large!" << '\n';

    if (auto const cmp = guess <=> secret_number; std::is_eq(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "You guessed correctly!\n";
    } else if (std::is_lt(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "Too small!\n";
    } else if (std::is_gt(cmp)) {
        std::cout << "Too big!\n";

    return 0;

    // --snip--


While try-catch block's do model a form of control flow they are very different to regular control flow mechanisms like if statements. You should not be used try-catch blocks to control the regular/expected execution pathway of a program as they are much slower nor should you throw exceptions in order to jump out to a particular scope. Exceptions should only be used to indicate that a recoverable error has occurred and try-catch blocks being used to handle recovering from this event eg. giving any allocated resources back to the OS, as such exceptions should be used only in exceptional (pun most definitely intended) cases and when appropriate for your domain (as they can be undesirable in many situations). The main purpose of showing exceptions now is to demonstrate how to handle them not throw your own.

Allowing Multiple Guesses with a Loop

Now that we correctly handle the exceptional cases of parsing our player's input we can look at making the game more interactive. Only having one guess doesn't make our game very fun. Lets allow the player to make multiple guesses by introducing a loop! We will want this loop to run forever with explicit mechanisms for exiting the loop. We can use a while loop with its condition simply being true. This will create our infinite loop. But how and when do we exit the loop? We want the loop to be broken when the player guesses the correct number. We can do this by introducing a break statement in the first if branch when comparing the player's input to the secret number. break is used to break out of the enclosing loop block. We also need the program to run the next loop iteration if an exception occurs, skipping the comparisons. We can do this with a continue statement within each of the catch blocks to skip to the next iteration. Finally, be sure to move the prompt output and player input logic into the loop so they are called each iteration.

Listing 2-7: Placed game in a infinite loop to allow player multiple guesses.

#include <compare>
#include <exception>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>

// --snip--

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    auto rd = std::random_device {};
    auto gen = std::mt19937 { rd() };
    auto distrib = std::uniform_int_distribution { 1, 100 };

    auto const secret_number = distrib(gen);

    std::cout << "The secret number is: " << secret_number << '\n';

    auto input = std::string {};

    auto guess = int {};

    // --snip--

    while (true) {
        std::cout << "Please input your guess: ";
        std::getline(std::cin, input);

        // --snip--

        try {
            guess = std::stoi(input);
        } catch (std::invalid_argument const&) {
            std::cout << "Invalid input " << std::quoted(input) << "!\n";
        } catch (std::out_of_range const&) {
            std::cout << "Input " << std::quoted(input) << " is too large!" << '\n';

        if (auto const cmp = guess <=> secret_number; std::is_eq(cmp)) {
            std::cout << "You guessed correctly!\n";
        } else if (std::is_lt(cmp)) {
            std::cout << "Too small!\n";
        } else if (std::is_gt(cmp)) {
            std::cout << "Too big!\n";

    return 0;

Fantastic! With a final tweak we have finished the guessing game. Our game is still printing the secret number! We can fix this by deleting the line. The final code is available in Listing 2-8.

Listing 2-8: Final game.

#include <compare>
#include <exception>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>

auto main() -> int
    std::cout << "Guessing Game!\n";

    auto rd = std::random_device {};
    auto gen = std::mt19937 { rd() };
    auto distrib = std::uniform_int_distribution { 1, 100 };

    auto const secret_number = distrib(gen);
    auto input = std::string {};
    auto guess = int {};

    while (true) {
        std::cout << "Please input your guess: ";
        std::getline(std::cin, input);

        try {
            guess = std::stoi(input);
        } catch (std::invalid_argument const&) {
            std::cout << "Invalid input " << std::quoted(input) << "!\n";
        } catch (std::out_of_range const&) {
            std::cout << "Input " << std::quoted(input) << " is too large!" << '\n';

        if (auto const cmp = guess <=> secret_number; std::is_eq(cmp)) {
            std::cout << "You guessed correctly!\n";
        } else if (std::is_lt(cmp)) {
            std::cout << "Too small!\n";
        } else if (std::is_gt(cmp)) {
            std::cout << "Too big!\n";

    return 0;


This project offered a hands on way to learn many of C++ features: auto, variables, functions, if statements, exception handling and loops! In the upcoming chapters you will delve deeper into these concepts as well as explore many new ones. See you there!